
Course Description

Instructor: Roy Sobelson

The United States is one of only about 40 countries with a “common law” legal tradition. About 10 of the 40 are major first world countries with long ties to Great Britain. Most other countries have what is known as a “civil law” tradition, which is quite different. This course will first examine the origins of the civil law tradition and how it “evolved” into the English common law. We’ll then see how our common law has developed and continues to develop, and how many modern rights, privileges, immunities, claims and defenses have come to be and still affect us. We will also focus on some current legal battles to see how they arose and how they will be sorted out through public court opinions and precedent.


Bio: Professor Emeritus, Georgia State University College of Law (1985-2018); Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, 2006-2016; Director, LL.M. Program, 2016-2018; Visiting Professor at Emory Law several times. 

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