
Course Description

Instructor: Judy Pincus

Maggie O’Farrell’s “Hamnet” chosen by the New York Times as one of the ten best books published in 2020 has provided the impetus for rereading Hamlet. Set in 16th Century Stratford and London, the story, without naming the playwright, dramatizes the life of Shakespeare’s family and tragedy of his son Hamnet’s death at the age of eleven. In addition to reading and reviewing the short novel as a climax to our sessions, the course will involve close textual analysis of the play. Lectures will examine literary criticism about and sources of Hamlet, details about the Renaissance and Humanism in England, and development of modern English during the reign of Elizabeth 1. The achievements under the Virgin Queen and James 1 from 1558-1625 involved years of “national crisis, seafaring adventure and artistic splendor.” No Elizabethan wrote in English with greater boldness or captured in language that soared the complexity, triumphs, and tragedies of that age.

Required Text for class: Folger Edition of Hamlet and Maggie O'Farrell's Hamnet.

Instructor Bio: Teacher of English for 18 years at Longmeadow High School in Massachusetts including Advanced Placement Seniors and Honors juniors. Reader for Educational Testing Service for seven years of Advanced Placement essay tests. Book reviewer for 10 years for book clubs in Palm Beach County, Florida, and tutor for 20 years for SAT and ACT exams for students preparing for college.

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