3433 - Penguins and Whales and Seals, Oh My! A Photographic Journey to the White Continent (Milsteen)
Course Description
Instructor: Jeff Milsteen
Penguins and Whales and Seals, Oh My! A Photographic Journey to the White Continent
Is sailing across the Drake Passage really not for the faint of heart? Do penguin colonies really smell worse than just about anything else on Earth? Is it possible to sail for three hours alongside the largest iceberg in the world and not see it? For the answer to these and many other questions about travel to the extreme south, join Jeff Milsteen for a photographic journey to Antarctica, South Georgia Island and the Falkland Islands!
Bio: Jeff is an attorney who served as Chief Deputy Attorney General of Georgia for nineteen years before his retirement in 2017. He also served as Vice President and General Counsel of Kennesaw State University in 2018-19. Jeff graduated with a B.A. in Political Science from Johns Hopkins University and received his law degree from the Emory University School of Law, where he served as Managing Editor of the Emory Law Journal. Jeff is an avid photography enthusiast and enjoys world travel.