3399 - A Tale of Two – Notre Dame before 2019 and after 2019 (Allan Hing)
Course Description
Instructor: Allan Hing
Much interest has been shown to the restoration of Notre Dame after the fire in 2019. Notre Dame will be presented as to why it is an important example of French gothic architecture and its comparison to other European gothic versions. Following will be a brief history to its beginning in 1163 to Viollet-le -Duc’s 1844 renovation. The last five years of rebuilding the burnt cathedral and its opening in December 2024 will finish the presentation.
Bio: Allan is a retired professor who has taught interior design and architecture at a variety of universities here and abroad. He continues to share these subjects in his teaching that include his interest in World Fairs (yes, they are still being held). A born wanderlust - living, studying, and traveling abroad are fulfilling – he has visited over 75 countries. Allan continues his search for beauty and has published articles on Sir John Soane and Carlo Scarpa.