
Course Description

In Development Operations (DevOps), engineers build processes and streamline automation to optimize the software development lifecycle and protect against vulnerabilities. DevOps Engineers use feedback, collaboration, ingenuity, and lean and agile methodologies to continuously improve all stages of software development. DevOps Engineers are highly sought after, among the highest salary tech jobs, and well respected in the industry because of their specialized skills. The Emory DevOps Bootcamp teaches you these in-demand skills, and provides the career support you need to get hired.

The Emory DevOps Bootcamp uses AWS Academy curriculum to offer a cutting-edge education that  will prepare you for a role in the growing field of  cloud computing.
The program includes labs and courseware from both Fullstack Academy and AWS Academy, blended into a unique fast-track student experience to train you from beginner to certified DevOps Engineer in 26 weeks.

The curriculum is designed to help students develop technical expertise in cloud computing and help them prepare for AWS Certification.
AWS Certifications recognize individuals with the technical skills and expertise to design, deploy, and operate applications and operations on AWS.

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