
Course Description

This completely online and self-paced one-module course utilizes Inc. Magazine's prize-winning editorial content to introduce basic concepts related to financial analysis, including how to read and interpret the primary financial statements, how to evaluate your company's financial position, how to calculate various financial ratios, and benchmarking. The focus is on providing practical, hands-on advice to entrepreneurs and small business people, including video segments and commentary from industry-leading practitioners and subject matter experts. The course also offers how-to lists and advice, interactive games, and review questions to ensure mastery of the material.

Please note: Access to this course will be granted as soon as possible but may take up to 1 business day

Learner Outcomes

After this class, you will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of financial statements
  • Identify the financial statements, their contents, and how they are formatted
  • Explain why income statement is an important piece of financial information
  • Evaluate financial information in a balance sheet
  • Interpret the statement of cash flow
  • Describe the relationships between financial statements
  • Define financial (ratio) analysis and explain its objectives and limitations
  • Identify the various types and categories of financial ratios
  • Perform calculations using financial ratios
  • Discuss how ratio analysis can be useful for benchmarking companies
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